Jumat, 14 September 2018

Is he/she my Twinflame?

How do you know for sure that you are a real twin flame or not.

(This article is quite easy to understand about how to recognize whether someone we suspected as twinflame is true or false).

It takes a lot of time dear…. unfortunately it is not something where you press the button and you get the answer..!!
Secondly, for you to be a twin flame, someone has to be your twin flame as well. Your surety comes from your gut and your own experiences and synchronicity which will help you connect the dots.
For me, I went through a profound experience of this connection first, ups and downs, feelings, emotions, pain, devastation, hope. And the common thread in all this was love. It took me 21 years to come to know the term twin flames. And I connected the dots backwards. And kept validating everything which came after that. It was not easy. There was doubt, disapproval, confusion….but even after all this, things kept pointing at twin Flames. I seeked answers everywhere. In books, in spiritual gurus, people...i kept growing as a person…..And after a certain period of time I was sure that this was a twin flame experience.
This did not happen over night. It was an amazing journey to self discovery!
No one can really answer your question which you are asking here, as it is not possible for anyone to answer it.
It is about the inner journey and the journey is equally beautiful as the destination!! No one can tell you what is there for sure and what is not..! God wants YOU to discover it! Your true growth will happen when YOU discover it on your path. Many people are not really going within to see this beautiful stuff.
There is no point in taking a helicopter and landing at the top of a mountain. This journey is about climbing the mountain yourself by taking risks, being ready to face the challenges which arise on the way ….! It is about falling down, getting hurt, getting up again…and seeing, experiencing, enjoying and cherishing the beautiful path which goes to the top of the mountain!

Why Signs Are Chasing You (Twinflame Journey)

Why Signs Are Chasing You:

The universe doesn't have the luxury of time to send people friendly little hellos or confirmation of anything. Rather, the universe sends signs for good reason. The signs are present to guide you to the correct path.

If you see lots of signs, understand that you are receiving them for a reason. The signs will continue trying to get your attention and appear to even be chasing you until you receive and understand the message they're sending. Once you receive and understand the message they're sending and get on the correct path in the correct direction, the signs won't harass you. They'll begin to leave you alone, for you're on the correct path.

If you've not seen any signs for a while, chances are that you're accurately and correctly interpreting your signs, are following them, and most importantly, are on the right path. Headed in the right direction.

Following The Signs:

The signs are like your road map, your own personal GPS to your path including your path throughout your twin flame journey to union. Signs also guide twin flames to their divine mission, the reason twin flames exist: the mission which raises the universal vibration.

It's advised to track your signs. Write them down everyday, even if you think you can alreasy remember them. WRITE THEM DOWN, FOR THIS CREATES YOUR GPS TO TWIN FLAME UNION.

Is Twinflame really exist?

Someone asked me, is Twinflame really exist? I can just replied, “Most people will say “NO” and some maybe call it is a crap! Twinflame connections is a journey not a destination. It is a Divine mission and can only feel by those who believe and experience it. If you don’t believe it, then say thank for you don’t need to experience what hell is like”.
Hmm... explaining the existence of Twinflame to non believers is like explaining what butterfly looks like to the blind. That’s simple!

Tentang Acceptance

Tentang Acceptance

Seminggu terakhir ini kok saya akrab dengan kata “accept” alias sikap menerima yang diucapkan oleh teman2 saya, padahal ngobrolnya beda tempat dan beda grup pertemanan pula (ingat ya, gak ada kejadian yang kebetulan😉). Yang menarik, kata “accept” ini diucapkan dengan santai dan pasrah oleh teman2 yang kondisi dan situasinya sedang tidak menyenangkan. Ada teman yang mengalami kecelakaan, masalah keluarga, sakit atau sedang dililit masalah keuangan. Bersikap tenang saat mengalami musibah atau hal yang tidak menyenangkan pastinya sulit, perlu latihan untuk melatih otot kesabaran untuk tidak mengeluh apalagi mengumpat. Kata orang bijak, musibah itu hanya ilusi. Namun sebenarnya sikap kitalah yang sedang diuji. Saat seperti ini kata yang tepat adalah “menerima” atau “accept” apa yang sedang dihadapi. Sikap “acceptance” memberikan dampak yang luar biasa, jiwa raga lebih tenang, dan masalahpun terasa mereda dan tidak lagi membebani.
Apa sih yang dilakukan teman2 saya itu? Cukup menenangkan diri, menghadapNya secara sadar penuh, hadir utuh, tulus dan merendah mengucap, “Tuhan, saya menerima!”.
Alhamdulillah, Puji Tuhan, teman2 saya kok merasakan ketenangan dan masalahnya berangsur mereda. Yang sakit, sembuh lebih cepat dari yang diduga, yang punya masalah lainpun berangsur masalahnya mendapat jalan keluar.
Sebagian referensinya dr Al Quran sbb. silakan dibuka yaaa...
QS 2:153 O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.
QS 2:155 And We will surely treat you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.
QS 39:10 Say, "O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account."
Sending you all good vibes, healing energy, abundance of love and joy 🙏❤😇.

Surrender, berserah padaNya


Pernah nggak berada dalam kondisi campuran antara galau, marah sekaligus bingung, karena merasa sudah melakukan segala cara untuk mendapatkan sesuatu tapi tidak juga berhasill atau tidak mendapat rewards yang diharapkan? You do all the efforts but the whole life comes to a stand still!
Coba tunjuk hatimu, jari telunjuk dan jari tengahmu menunjuk ke tengah dada dimana cakra jantungmu berada. Tanyakan apa yg kita lakukan sudah “menuruti” kata hati atau kata kepala? Lepaskan ego bahwa apa yg dilakukan sudah pake usaha dan doa. Sudah kerja keras bagai kuda dan tirakat penuh doa dan air mata...
Entah masalah relationship, pekerjaan, karir, inilah itulah...

So...It is the time to surrender!!

Surrender stage comes in when all human efforts with logic have been done. And nothing works. Why we call it a surrender because - you are surrendering. You are not giving up!! Berserah pasrah yaaa...BUKAN menyerah kalah!

Ketika kamu menyerah thd sesuatu, maka segala kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi ikut berhenti. Saat menyerah kamu gak berharap apapun lagi, malas melakukan melakukan usaha apapun lagi.

Ketika kamu berserah atau surrender, you give the control to the divine having full faith that you will achieve what you want to achieve.

Yah pokoknya gitu deh... (mbaknya ini juga masih belajar kok...tapi sudah banyak dapat keajaiban2, nyaris tiap hari malah...Tuhan itu memang Maha Hebat yaaa...)

Why the universe bombard you with the synchronicities.

The universe is bombarding you to bring you back into alignment with your higher self. It is telling you that the journey is not complete, that you’re stronger than you know, that you need to look within, that you need to find the love within, that you are part of a divine mission.

The universe contains dimensions, galaxies, stars, planets, life, love, consciousness, energy and order. It speaks in sacred geometry, synchronicities, fate and sometimes, in words we plainly understand. The universe transforms caterpillars into butterflies and sunlight into food. The universe explodes on a daily basis in colors of every kind imagined. The universe is within you and you are in the universe.  Now you understand why you must be listened when the universe is bombarding you with all those signs.